16/1 | 21:00 | Beef
10th grade student Melisa confronts her teacher during a literature exam. In front of all her classmates, Melisa questions the school system and the usefulness of what they are studying by asking a very uncomfortable question.
Ingride Santos
Ingride Santos
Lluis Segura
Director of Photography
Sandra Formatger
Film Editing
Estel Roman
Ingride Santos
Lluis Segura
Carla Sospedra
Production Company
Miss Wasabi Films
Ruth Gabriel
Melisa Peralta

Ingride Santos was born in 1983. She studied film at ESCAC, where she graduated in production. After leaving university, she joined the production team at Escándalo Films, where she learned the trade by working on different films. In 2008 she began to teach at ESCAC the subject New Formats. She alternates this with the world of advertising, in which she specializes as production manager of various advertising campaigns. In 2014 she changes direction and begins directing commercials until today, with which she has won several awards in different festivals such as El Sol in San Sebastian, Cannes and the Clio Awards in New York. Beef is her first short film.