Lemon Tree
At a Halloween carnival, a young father steals a magician’s rabbit to impress his ten year old son. The thrill of the petty theft quickly dissolves into reality when the young boy is tasked with getting himself, his father, and his new pet home safe.
Режија / Director:
Rachel Walden
Сценарио / Screenplay:
Rachel Walden
Директор фотографије / Director of Photography:
Hunter Zimny
Монтажа / Film Editing:
Luca Balser
Продуценти / Producers:
Luca Balser, Pauline Chalamet
Продукцијска кућа / Production Company:
Gummy Films
Улоге / Cast:
Jordan Thomas Alexander, Emily Costantino, Leyla Nuritova, Charlie Chaspooley Robinson, Gordon Rocks
Трајање / Duration: 17’
Rachel Walden is a director/producer from Atlanta, Georgia, recently named by Filmmaker Magazine as one of 2023's 25 New Faces of Independent Film. She currently lives in Brooklyn, New York where she runs the independent production company Gummy Films with co-founders Pauline Chalamet and Luca Balser. Her most recent short film Lemon Tree premiered at Cannnes Directors' Fortnight.